General docs
This page provides “general” documents developed by “Forest Certification” LLC in the frame of its accredited certification program. The certification standards and other references (binding) and advisory documents, developed by FSC int., PEFC Int., SBP, ASI (Accreditation Services International), regional offices of FSC, Forest Certification itself and other bodies involved in certification process, you can find at relevant pages of our website:
- For FSC FM certification;
- For FSC CoC and FSC CW certification;
- For CW/FM certification;
- For PEFC FM certification;
- For PEFC CoC certification;
- For SBP biofuel producers and CoC certification
Information about issued FSC certificates can be found in International FSC database
Information about issued PEFC certificates can be found in PEFC Russia database
Information about issued SBP certificates can be found at the following hyperlink
The list of «general» documents and record templates, developed and maintained by “Forest Certification” LLC:
- Guidelines of cooperation with subcontractors FC-PRC-PRM-2_ ENG